We are all set to reopen in a very limited capacity and we will be opening the Monday night group session first.
We are just waiting for BMABA to confirm our insurance is active, which is being held up by a couple of clerical issues due to COVID-19, but they keep assuring me it will be very soon.
When we reopen, there will be 4 spots available in the gym per group session. These prebooked slots will be for pairs of students who are within their own household bubble, which can now include up to two households. Students will need to confirm that those they are training with are from within their bubble and will only be able to train with that person during the group session, or students can train alone in their designated area for the duration that these social distancing measures are in place.
The gym will be open 30 minutes before the warm up starts and as usual, students will need to arrive 15 minutes before 6pm, but if students arrive before that, then they must line up outside 2 meters apart. I will be putting floor markings down in the gym and students will need to go to their designated training area which will be decided upon arrival.
If students need the toilet during training which rarely seems to happen, the lesson will be temporarily stopped to clear a line that students will need to follow between the training areas, out of the back of the gym and into the house, where surfaces, door handles and the entire toilet itself will have been disinfected beforehand and will need to be wiped down again by admin immediately afterwards, between anyone’s use.
Students are encouraged to bring their own equipment and MUST bring their own full water bottle, but any club equipment burrowed will need to be placed against the wall on the floor after the session to be disinfected before it is put back up in the pegs/shelves by myself.
We will be continuing with the syllabus as it stands, which will make solo training interesting, but solo students will do shadow boxing drills for striking and will need to run through grappling drills solo. Many of the grappling drills have solo practice versions, or Grappling Greg can be used if arranged beforehand, depending on the lesson.
Once the areas have been marked out, I will make a video explaining all of this, including anything else from our CV-19 risk assessment that students will need to be aware of.
One slot is already taken. Please contact me via the ‘Book Now’ button on the page to arrange your place:
121 lessons will need a bit more thought, as social distancing restrictions dictate I cannot train with students up close individually, so we will look at how that will work after launching the group sessions.
Stay tuned for further announcements regarding a relaunch date and my video in the members group once I have things set up.